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It is a journey...Romans 13:11-14

Onwards & Upwards Pilgrim...

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Christianity (Galatians 2:20) is indeed a moment by moment journey. Infact we only have but a moment to live and thus to let CHRIST live out HIS life within us through THE HOLY SPIRIT in each moment that makes up hours, days, years, and so forth...- John 15:5;  "I die daily"- 1 Cor 15:31


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What we behold...

“By beholding, we become changed” 2 Corinthians 3:18 What we watch, listen to, read is a result of someone’s thoughts/imaginations. The...

Free or Slave?

CHRIST tells us in John 8:34 “Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.” John 8:36 says,...

Enoch walked with GOD...

and GOD took him. Gen 5:21-24 In HIM we live, we move and have our being- Acts 17:28 Just think about what takes place when you read the...

Why lie?

Lying shows fear towards man, than fear towards GOD. (Lessons on Faith) All the thoughts that can run through the mind as a result of, in...

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Cathereen M

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