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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

What we behold...

“By beholding, we become changed”

2 Corinthians 3:18

What we watch, listen to, read is a result of someone’s thoughts/imaginations. The good thing to ask is who inspired that person to produce the content- be it a movie, music, book, video content and so forth. Do you perceive GOD inspired that person? Do you believe that which you behold would be in the Heavenly courts? The good thing to ponder is who is GOD? To know Him then one would know what is of GOD.

How do we know GOD? Through JESUS CHRIST, “no one has seen GOD but CHRIST” - John 1:18

Through HIM we get to know who GOD is. Look closely at HIS attributes, and then we are to decide for ourselves. Ask HIM to show you and reveal to you what is HIS and what HE would/ would not behold. Would CHRIST lead me to behold worldliness in different forms while HE says, “friendship with the world is enmity against GOD” - James 4:4

Would CHRIST inspire one to create content or lead someone to behold content that is not uplifting the mind to cling to GOD? How about content that pervert the mind and creates thrillness that result in making spiritual things appear boring? Is that of GOD? How so?

We are told with tender love and care, because who else knows a GOD who even warns us of what to behold? HE says, “Now brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are of good report, dwell on these things”- Philippians 4:8

“CHRIST is the way, the truth and the life.” - John 14:6 HE is our path, and HE has carved a way for us, and through THE HOLY SPIRIT He is ready to guide us if we consent to His leading.

A Christian is to ask, LORD is this your leading?, and a Christian in being close to CHRIST will be given discernment on what to behold and what not to. As a result, “the things that same person once loved, now hates” because of CHRIST.

This is amazing grace!

Salvation has truly come to us🙏

“Narrow is the way...Matthew 7:13-14

The flesh is blind, because it has sin in it. “CHRIST condemned sin in the flesh” - Romans 8:3 we thus, cannot trust the flesh. It cannot discern. We have to trust in GOD. Which is why it says in Proverbs, “there is a way that seems right to a man, but the way thereof leads to death and destruction” - Proverbs 14:12. This is why we need a moment by moment real abiding experience because we can either live out the flesh in the moment or choose to be led by the SPIRIT in each moment. One aspect is blinded, the other sees beyond the naked eyes, and has eternal sight.

This is why, the just shall live by faith.

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1 kommentti

14. maalisk. 2021

Wow, wonderfully said! 🙏🙏 very important in these times as certain things are now being looked at as “it’s ok” when they are not, and not according to God.

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