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Millet Pudding Recipe

Looking for a healthy breakfast recipe?

This millet pudding recipe by Debbie Paul is a winner!

Little did I know that you could do so much with this small grain called millet. From making pilafs to puddings. The options can be endless given your creative ideas and culinary skills.

I personally enjoy this pudding and it doesn’t get old on my taste buds.

Here’s what you need:

1 1/2 cups millet, 4 1/2 cups water

Millet has an aftertaste, and Debbie recommends rinsing the millet with hot water before cooking it.

After cooking the millet. While hot, take 4 cups of cooked millet

  • 1 Can coconut milk

  • 1 Can pineapple chunks with the juice

  • 1/4 Cup sweetener (I prefer maple syrup)

Disclaimer: Do not use honey as it will prevent from sticking together.


Then pour into preferred container and let it sit to solidify!

You can add granola at the bottom of the container then pour in your pudding to have a mixture. You can add fruits on top if you’d like.


Let me know if you try to make it. Thanks to Debbie for this wonderful recipe that I love.

Benefits of millet:

  • High in nutrition (high fiber)

  • Less calorie count

  • Improves immunity

  • Satiates hunger

  • Reduces sugar level

  • Aides heart problems

And probably more! Try your google search and share along, the healthy benefits of this wonderful grain given to us by GOD for consumption.

3 John 2:1 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

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1 Comment

Mar 14, 2021

Wow thank you for sharing! Sounds good and I will try it out. 🙏🙌

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