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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

Beauty...Make up?

Updated: May 25, 2021

Psalm 139:14

My phone reminded me that on this day five years ago (April 10, 2016) I had make up on, and as I looked at that picture, that was the first time I had done some intense makeup on my face.

Today, because of the light from GOD, what do I see about make up? You know, I have come to see that make up is a manifestation of not appreciating true beauty, not wanting to accept that sin mars beauty. It’s true we get wrinkled up and all kinds of things, and so we can choose to cover up and want to look a certain way thinking “now I’m better,” while in reality if we leave our faces the way they are, they can glow, and by drinking enough water and nutritious food, resting, trusting GOD and not stressing, the skin can firm up, but we deceive ourselves and want to look extra flashy because that’s what sin wants. It wants extra, extra, and extra until it reaps you apart, leaves you with nothing but feeling less and less about yourself, lack confidence, compare yourself with others. It’s sad when we do things that indirectly leads to basically manifestation of not appreciating GOD’s beauty, it’s truly sad. Just think through it, why wear make up? what is it for? GOD says, “you are fearfully and wonderfully made” - Psalm 139:14 Did GOD make a mistake that we therefore see the need to highlight, and color better? Did the HOLY SPIRIT inspire the person who made make up to make it? Do I see JESUS admonishing HIS children to wear it? You know, It’s always good to ask GOD to search our hearts, reveal our motives and thoughts that come to us, if they’re from HIM or not. Remember 2 Cor 10:5🙏

Same goes with many things even fake nails. Today, during personal worship I looked at my nails, and started asking GOD why did you make it like this? Meaning the nails. You left this clear part for me to see the inside, just a detailed design, and tears dropped on my face in marveling this wonderful GOD who pays attention to even the smallest details, which should show us that HE means what HE says that HE is ready to listen to all my thoughts and talk with me, actually talks to me as to a dear friend, a daughter🙏 it dispels wondering if HE would leave me or forsake me, I mean look at the attention to details. On my way to church I remembered how I didn’t pay attention to this beauty in the past, and how I wanted fake nails, paint the nails, and so forth. It boggles my mind that we want to correct GOD, that we can be so unsatisfied with simplicity, and then just complicate matters, and miss out on invitations like today’s. As I looked at my nails and tears dropped, and found myself saying, who is this GOD?. Just a wonderful, caring, gentle, marvelous GOD. Who loves beauty. Just look at how HE has designed us- just study anatomy and physiology prayerfully once, you might hear “take off your shoes, you’re standing on holy ground” HE IS GOD. It’s deep. Have you heard? HE IS THE I AM. Deep realities that we can miss out on. Miss out on knowing this wonderful Savior. When in doubt look at the Cross.

However, the same merciful GOD in HIS mercy has told us, and shown us, that HE will not excuse sin. No matter how long Adam and Eve stayed in the garden and was faithful, eating the forbidden fruit brought sin and the penalty too, in HIS unmeasurable mercy, HE paid the penalty, but “HE will in no wise clear the guilty” - Exodus 34:7, thus HE will not excuse sin. Read Rev 13:3-8 because “how can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” - Hebrews 2:3

Verse 3- “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Verse 8- And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

I remember I would look in the mirror after doing my make up, and say yes now this is beauty, look at how I look, look at that make up, it’s just amazing look at me- Pride. Now take a picture of me, seeing how nice I look. In this case I would venture to say make up is good it builds confidence, or whatever may be that I gaged to justify using makeup. However, it is completely not true. In fact, it reveals lack of confidence. Complete opposite of what CHRIST is calling us to. That we are not be puffed up and not be with outward show. HE says, “learn of me I AM meek and lowly in heart.” Matthew 11:29

Actually wearing make up shows insecurity. Well, people think it shows beauty but it’s a sign that the person is not satisfied/confident with natural beauty, that they feel they need to add something to look better. It is sad. When I wore make up I did not think that way, I thought I just like make up but it’s only God who can do the deep heart searching work and reveal the thought behind the action, the true motive and the deception there in.

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made, let not the world tell you any differently my child”- says, FATHER in Heaven😊🙏

Indeed, marvelous is your handiwork my GOD🙏 Asante (thank you in Swahili)

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