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Enoch walked with GOD...

Updated: May 27, 2022

and GOD took him. Gen 5:21-24

In HIM we live, we move and have our being- Acts 17:28

Just think about what takes place when you read the Bible, when you for instance read the verse that says, “my sheep hear my voice...”- John 10:27

Realize what is happening, that is not just a is truly GOD speaking to me, to you, now just now. (Don’t “look backwards to the fathers, forward to the Messiah’s coming, while HE is here....”) The I AM - Exodus 3:14, John 8:58. Always present, even now just now. - Rev 3:20, John 14:23

Don’t be left admiring their experience with GOD, and your hope of meeting CHRIST one day, and not realizing the incredible experience you and I could have today and everyday if we choose to walk with the LORD every moment. Just as Enoch did.

Treat it as a reality.

When it is reality, it does affect the life of the person. Because then it’s real life experience.

Wake up.

GOD wants to manifest HIMSELF in the midst of us.

Would you rather just have Him in pages and His personage stuck miles and miles away in Heaven but not next to you, and in you? “CHRIST in me the hope of glory”- Colossians 1:27

Would you rather recite and cram verses but not talk with HIM as a constant companion? Why shortchange yourself?

Wake up thou that sleepest, redeem the time.

Don’t miss out on an incredible experience.

When Enoch had his child and recognized how the child was so dependent upon him, then he related that with GOD. And his relationship with GOD grew in reality.

Be an Enoch today. Walk with GOD. Why not?

Different circumstances can spearhead someone to walk with GOD...

-End up walking with Him because you recognize how vulnerable, dumb and sinful left to yourself you are, hence cling to Him for safety, and as a result find more in your walk with Him. Get to enjoy the walk past being started out of fear of evil.

-End up walking with Him because the thought of Lazarus house became so appealing and instead of fearing this Mighty GOD, you see a GOD that wants to come and talk, and you want to be that place for Him to come, to have a person to talk with. Thus, this masks the point of you trying to run away or not being able to comprehend why a Mighty GOD would want to talk to someone like you and I who is but a worm (Ps 22:6), who either once turned away from Him or never knew Him.

-End up walking with Him because Enoch did, so I want a walk too, knowing HE is no respecter persons! Romans 2:11

Looking at the cross, our imaginations can get cast down (2 Cor 10:5), and behold GOD, who chose to die for you & I. Why would the same GOD die for me, then choose not to talk with me? Wouldn’t make a bit of sense. Right?! Indeed, cast away those imaginations.

I’ve come to realize over the years, the many misconceptions about GOD. I see why HE therefore says, “come let us reason together”- Isaiah 1:18

Are you walking with Him? What got you to decide to walk with Him? Do you hear Him call you by name? Saying this is the way walk ye in it. Do you hold on to Him so He could direct your path?

“Is my arm short, my ear heavy that I can not hear? Your sins have separated you from ME”Isaiah 59:1. Is that true for you? Please do not then wait for tomorrow, repent today and begin your journey.

Today if you hear my voice, harden not your hearts ~ Hebrews 3:15

What sins? What if you have put away sin, and you do no choose to practice any known sin? Remember, we still have the unregenerate nature. The sin nature that is backed by the whole host of darkness, that tries to keep you and I away from GOD, because it is not subject to GOD, and neither indeed can it be. So it’s part of the warfare.

Thus, Faith is the substance of things hoped for. So it is a substance to lay hold and make a decision to walk with GOD, and then what next after that? Then actuate that faith and make it real, and now you find yourself truly talking with GOD, and it’s real, and as a result of that relationship your life is being transformed. You’re gaining victories over sins that used to easily beset you. Then you recognize it has to be moment by moment because that nature within keeps warring against GOD, and also the enemy without including everyone is surrounded with an atmosphere, thus either actuated from above or from beneath. Thus, their influence affecting my/your relationship with GOD.

It is therefore important and crucial to have that walk with GOD. To know His voice and follow Him, and not another master who is so identified by sin in us, and that sin willfully would love to please the desires of that master because it is in our natural self. It is a battle because to act according to the promptings of GOD, means to act contrary to ourselves. Which is why “we have to be born again” John 3, in order to desire that path and be in tune with GOD. Once we’re born again, the things of GOD become our delight, but to maintain that delight we have to have a strong relationship with GOD which is done moment by moment. Walking with Him, even as Enoch did.

Imagine our Creator wanting to have that special relationship with us. Will you lay a hold of it? Don’t miss out. It is wonderful on this side.

My story was like the woman at the well, searching for things that did not satisfy, and then my SAVIOR came and called me, and my life has changed! I’m thankful.

Indeed to continue on with that wonderful relationship and victory over sin, takes the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT in the mind, and thus a moment by moment journey. Onwards and upwards pilgrim!....

The Upward Journey- Not that I have attained, but press forward. Don’t backslide, but uprise!

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