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“Pray Always” - Reflecting on Luke 21:34-36

How does this look like?

Luke 21:34-36

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Watch therefore and pray always.

Now, how do you pray always while you have to take care of things.

Is it referring to being on your knees 24/7?

On the contrary, I have come to see that, more importantly than just the outward bending of knees for prayer in reverence to GOD, is a mind bent and surrendered to HIM. In the manner of willingness to commune with GOD for all things and everything.

Which is why Matthew 4:4 tells me- “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD” - every Word, but how can one live by every Word, if he/she doesn’t know what the Word says in the first place?

If we prayerfully read and familiarize ourselves with the Word, when through situations as the Bible tells us, GOD would bring to remembrance the truth we know as it is in scripture. There is a statement that says, “expression deepens the impression”, the more we chew on the Word, the more it becomes part of us, and our blood line- like what JESUS said, “unless you eat My flesh, and drink My blood, you have no part with Me” - John 6:53

I mean look, HE is the “Word become flesh”, - John 1:14, HE is “the Word of GOD” Revelation 19:13

In my life I have come to see the virtue of why one is to pray without ceasing. We have an enemy relentless in his fury, and not only that, we also have sin in us that is not subject to GOD, but is subject to the devil, and unless we are born of the Spirit, we won’t have the mind that wants to fight the good fight of faith, rather would just be inclined to be swept away with our feelings and fulfill the desires of our flesh, regardless of what sayeth the LORD. Lacking the power thereof to fight the good fight. That power thereof is CHRIST in us the hope of glory, but it is wrought in through THE HOLY SPIRIT by consent and surrender moment by moment, otherwise GOD will never force the will, which is why HE stands at the door and knocks, not pushing HIS way in.

2 Cor 10:5 is so true, and the more one practices it, results in surrendering the will, letting go of self dependence- because we can’t afford to depend on self, and neither does self have righteousness. That’s why 2 Cor 10:5-6 is a tool and it is important to me. “Casting down arguments and all high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of GOD. Bringing to captivity every thought under subjection to the obedience of CHRIST, and being ready to punish all disobedience until my obedience is fulfilled.”

What a wonderful GOD, that wants us to bring HIM every thought we have, and as we do, we are communicating with HIM, practicing HIS presence with us, and hopefully in us🙏 and it becomes a life “praying always” in every moment. If one is bringing every thought then that means they’re in communion, and being led by GOD every moment, and that for myself I cherish.

Years ago, this same verse didn’t occur to me as pleasant. Which has gotten me to realize that it is only if we’re really wanting to live under HIS grace that this comes across as a wonderful privilege and an amazing opportunity.

These things really make me see the great controversy. Basically how do you explain such a beautiful reality, getting looked at as burdensome or bad, and bad (self will instead of surrender - because humanity likes to be in control) as good.

It says “woe upon the man who calls darkness light, and light darkness”- Isaiah 5:20

Also, “men chose darkness rather than light, lest their deeds be revealed” - John 3:19

And what is this thing that lurks in man to look at GOD as an enemy. These are amazing verses to ponder on, so much is being said, in the reality of the great controversy. Indeed experiencing life of continuous unstoppable sin, and continuous victories over the sins that seemed unstoppable and I was powerless over, has really exposed to me the reality that there is truly a devil, and there is truly GOD. These are no longer theories that I hang my coat on anymore but real life experiences and realities. Also, being able to see the difference it makes to me and others in serving either of the masters. We don’t have to say we’re serving the devil, we only have to be willing to serve our flesh- because that is indirectly serving the devil.

GOD is good🙏 I’m thankful

Truly, look, “behold the Lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of this world” John 1:29

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Feb 08, 2021

Amen! God has spoken through you. (Once again). If this doesn’t deepen our understanding or interest in changing/surrendering ... 🙏 👏


Feb 04, 2021

Pray always! 🙏😊

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