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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney


Dec 09, 2022 I received news that I dread in life. My dad (spiritual) had died. It was sudden, unexpected. Just the night before we had worship together (him, mom Ayaana Toure-Shepherd, and I) I’m very thankful I did not miss that day. On our call I mentioned I was walking and it was already dark, when we prayed, he prayed for me what I have now taken as was a symbolic prayer - that God would protect me as I walked in the dark (we’re in a dark world) that He would keep me from the bears, coyotes (for those who do not know - I live in the country and so this is possible) and that the Lord would get me home safely (in my symbolism get me home - Heaven safely) we tread in paths where it is the great controversy.

You know, God favored me with such a dad. For those who knew him this world was not his home, and he lived that way. He lived 2 Cor 10:5 - always choosing to "bring every word, every thought under subjection to the obedience of Christ” and he dearly encouraged me to live this way too. John left a legacy. He really fought the good fight of faith. He led by example - all by the grace of God. He took God seriously, and if you spoke with him 6am or 6pm this was the great controversy to him - which it is. He loved the Word of God, and it was a shield, tool, and so much more to him in this real battle against all the forces of unregenerate nature backed by the whole host of darkness. He loved the Spirit of Prophecy. Encouraged me to wrestle with God, understand the Word, and waste no time as we are told “redeem the time”(Eph 5:16)

He lived to bless others, even those he never met. I would share something with him that needed thoughts and prayers, and he would tell me how he was talking to God about it, he would wrestle with God for matters of people he did not know. John Shepherd understood the gospel. I am saddened to have lost a friend, and just recently as I was driving it dawned on me that Jesus lost a friend too (Ecclesiastes 9:5; 1 Thess 4:16-17). We all (his friends including Jesus) are waiting for resurrection morning to talk with him again. This is because John talked with God through the day - he would share his conversations too. He allowed God to be who He is - a living God, not stuck in the pages of the Bible, and with that even his conversations with God were real, with God calling him by name (Isaiah 43:1) - as he would share with us. Truly, “There are Enochs in this our day.” Always remembering, “when the mind wanders bring it back”

I am eternally thankful to God for allowing me to meet such a person in my life, what an example, what a huge blessing- you would have to go into my mind to see all because it would take a lot to write as much as I could concerning this. I am thankful to God for His comfort during this time. I wish resurrection morning was the next morning, but until then….

May I remain faithful so I can be in the Heavenly courts and sing and praise God forever where there will be no more parting again. Oh death, you punched my heart, but it is well.

As Ayaana said, “we had a treasure.”

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