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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

To Belong…..

“I have called you by thy name, thou art mine” -Isaiah 43:1

Such precious and powerful words from the Lord!

I have written on this topic because we can all identify with the thought/reality of wanting to belong. With all that you will read on this post, I want you to know that i'm not saying you can not have a group of people you sense you belong to and fellowship with well, rather i'm addressing the foundation or motive of wanting to belong or feeling like you don't belong anywhere.

There’s wanting to fit in and craving to belong. I see them slightly differently. How about yourself?

Growing up, there are times I wanted to fit in, and there are things I would say I acted out of character in order to fit in to a crowd. Question is, why? Does that mean I wasn’t satisfied with what I had? Does that mean I thought they had it better? What is that all about?

What do I mean - out of character? When you have learned better - in this case I’m referring to morality- but you decide to put that aside and join the crowd, you want to fit in because you have a need. Why don’t you think you belong to the people who instilled those “good morals” that you want to put aside in order to fit in to the crowd that would have you do otherwise?

“That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” ~ Eph 5:27

Did you know, you have a precious place that is ever so safe to belong to?

It is in the heart of GOD.

Why do I say so?

If you’re like me…you therefore grew up not knowing there is a privilege called- having a relationship with GOD.

I grew up knowing there is a God in Heaven, but that was all that was to it. Neither did I read my Bible to find out about this God. Nor did I have a natural inclination to read the Word. I however appreciated those who read the Word.

As a result, I lived a life not pleasing to God (as I have come to learn this after coming into a relationship with God) What Paul says is true- “when the law came, sin revived”

I was in a confusion state without God, and you would know if you read the Bible and examine my life’s past records.

You know, I came to learn that I have a sinful nature that wars against God’s grace in wanting to give me a purposefully enriched life here on Earth that would lead to Eternity. Something that many lack and may end up in depression, lack of purpose, even choose to commit suicide. It is a heavy and sad reality.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” - Romans 3:23

Now, I would in my life- nod yes to this truth, but without understanding the impact of this truth. Which I know for a fact that, it is crucial for each of us to understand.

Because of sin, we all became a mess. A reckless, hopeless mess. As I heard being said, “We committed adultery and married another- the devil.” And now, we are at odds with God. Then, God sees how we’re now entraped and the new husband has claims on us, and before the foundation of the world God had already decided if this were to happen He would pay the price.

“Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin” Hebrews 9:22- He gives His Blood, His life

“Life of the flesh is in the Blood” - Leviticus 17:11

And now the price is paid, and we are not bound to that husband. But guess what? This truth is being hidden. Our natural self which has corrupted natural thoughts/inclinations is also willing to have this truth hidden, because it is bent towards the master devil. Self (which is what we are called to die to, has the door open to the inclination of satan) However, the truth is, we do not have to be bent there. With CHRIST’s death, with His price, we are set free. The devil no longer can claim us, and with this we are able to leave the devil. Only under the care of the new Master.

You see, the truth is, we are either under one of these Masters. There’s really no middle ground. We are either actuated from above or from beneath. We can not claim a self existent power that we use to keep ourselves in good character and consistently - John 15:5

Just examine your own life and you will see. Ask GOD to show you, and you will see.

This truth comes with our identity, as to where we truly belong…which, when we don’t have this, we would continue searching without getting satisfied. I have experienced this, and have come to see what the Bible is saying about it is true. It says “we were created in the image of God”- Genesis 1:27. Therefore nothing else will satisfy us, unless we’re in Christ, and this is so very real.

Now, the issue is, because we were so enslaved by the devil, by sin that originnates from him, we are prone to want to live the life of what seems naturally inclining and the life of Christ becomes a life we can only live as we deny the life of self. A life of self denial. We are prone to wander to the flesh.

Romans 6:1

This is where it gets to be a battle. A battle is not something you just sit and war is fought absent minded. A battle means war. The war between Christ and Satan is the reality we are in. Christ has won the war, and it is left to us to choose which side to take. As we take the side of Christ, with all that has been mentioned here; It is very important to know that:

"When we place ourselves on the side of Christ, we enlist all the forces of unregenerate nature backed by the whole host of darkness." This is huge. This is a warfare. So then what? As mentioned earlier, self has the door open for inclination to satan. Those forces are going to try to take us back to yielding to self and in return sin against God.

Practical solution can be found in - 2 Cor 10:5

“casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”

By following the truth in this verse, results in being kept by God at every moment, because that is what we need. We are to remain aware that we live in the Great Controversy at every moment of our lives. Truth be told, this is always the reality as long as sin is not yet destroyed. We need to send the thoughts that come to us, to the Lord for His review. “Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to act.” - James 1:19. We cannot for a moment trust ourselves. Look at Peter when he took his eyes from Jesus, He began to sink - Matthew 14:27-31. That is a physical illustration of what really happens. All that has been mentioned here is to make us aware of how much we cannot trust ourselves. Look at Eve in the garden, she thought she could just have a conversation with the serpent, and before she knows it, she went to grounds she was told not to go. Now, the question is…what has God told you? Do you know His voice? (John 10:27) Where do you find His instructions? In the Bible. Now, do not leave God in the Bible pages, take Him with you.

The Bible is the avenue He is using to have us get familiar with His voice, and now once you close the Bible, or as you interract with your Bible, know that you’re interacting with God. This is how we move to having a living faith, with a living God. God who is real and not one we leave stuck in pages and have a concept that He lives miles away in Heaven. In Him we live, we move and have our being. We actually live in His presence based on what this verse says, but we don’t get it. Let me ask a question, do you supply your own breath? These things are too good. “Taste and see that the Lord is good” - Psalm 34:8

There are several materials I would like to share with you, to bring you closer to God. I hope this post has blessed your soul. Remember, “Enoch walked with God in this perverse generation and He was not, because God took him.” - Genesis 5:24

Want to belong? I encourage us all to belong to God. That is where we belong. Which is why we look for belonging, we’re really looking for Him. He is at the door knocking with a still small voice. Do you hear Him? Even through this post, He is knocking at the door of your mind, and your heart. May our souls not find rest until we find our Rest (CHRIST)🙏 We can only find our identity and a place when we find Christ. He has our mission and vision. He is our vision if we let Him. He is eager to live out His life within us if we let Him🙏

With our identity grounded in Him, we therefore know we are His sons and daughters (1 John 3:2), and this takes away wanting to be accepted so badly to potentially compromise for that sake, because we are already accepted in His beloved (Ephesians 1:6)

If we prefer someone else’s acceptance/approval before God, then we know we need to be born of the Spirit. Accepting God’s love brings contentment to the soul.

Have you yearned for true friendship and been disappointed? Try Jesus. However, it is a faith walk, and therefore we need to be born of the Spirit to appreciate this relationship, otherwise what He has to bring to the table will appear as foolishness unto us (1 Corinthians 2:14) On top of that, it is moment by moment journey. Don’t wait for tomorrow, because it is actually not promised (James 4:14). Today, is the day of salvation! - 2 Corinthians 6:2

Extra Resources that will be a blessing to you:

One of my absolute favorite- The Divine Human Family by W.W Prescott:

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