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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

Nearer, Still Nearer

“Depart from me” were words heard from Peter.

When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” Luke 5:8

Peter just had an experience with JESUS and realized who is standing in front of HIM, and He uttered these words and at the same time held JESUS’ garment. I had a moment where this became my experience and thus had a conversation with the LORD in prayer, about this, and thought to share. Why would I want to have CHRIST far from me? What is that? If anything I need CHRIST in me.

“This miracle, above any other he had ever witnessed, was to him a manifestation of divine power. In Jesus he saw One who held all nature under His control. The presence of divinity revealed his own unholiness. Love for his Master, shame for his own unbelief, gratitude for the condescension of Christ, above all, the sense of his uncleanness in the presence of infinite purity, overwhelmed him. While his companions were securing the contents of the net, Peter fell at the Saviour's feet, exclaiming, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”. DA 246.2

Peter exclaimed, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man;” yet he clung to the feet of Jesus, feeling that he could not be parted from Him. The Saviour answered, “Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.. DA 246.4

I saw this in my own experience. As I was praying and then grasping the reality of who I’m praying to? GOD - THE I AM. I found my mind grappling with realizing how real this is, and became lack of a better word- uncomfortable or wanting to run away from the experience.

You know, the more I wanted to grasp it, the more it felt intense, and I felt that experience of Peter - be far from me LORD. Sin inside of me that does this thing where it wants us not to have a real GOD that walks and talks with us, was being challenged, was being burned, and sin cried out whose master is the devil, be far from me LORD. This is so real. Sin cannot live in the presence of GOD, it has to be burnt and put aside. I’m only able to experience this because of CHRIST. I Praise my LORD.

JESUS condemned sin in the flesh. ~ Romans 8:3-4

As a result, what happened next? The flesh is full of corruption. This is why CHRIST said that we can not live by the dictates of the flesh, rather live by faith. CHRIST has done a marvelous thing- look at HIM do this on the cross- “HE has separated us from our sinful nature” this is why it’s true that HE has condemned sin in the flesh, and thus we can live by HIS spirit. The fact that HE was in Mary and Mary was not destroyed is an eyesalve for us to glean on and see that what HE says is true and we’re thus able to experience this- experience that HE can live in us, and work through us and as a result we can live in freedom from bondage.

“Know ye not that you’re the temple of GOD, and the Holy Spirit dwells in you?”1 Cor 3:16-17

Matchless love, I have been bought with a priceless price. My Creator who never leaves me nor forsakes me came to claim me, came to rescue me” It’s sad I fail to appreciate this true reality as I should….

The devil will live one at bay if he/she only has theory but not the experience. However, his plans are already threatened that one has the truth, because at any point that truth can be exercised by the person, and he/she can break free. Why? The Bible says, “though I speak in the tongues of men and of Angels, yet I have not love, I am nothing” What is love? “GOD is love” ~ 1 John 4:8

See the Bible also tells us, in the last days there will be a form of godliness denying the power thereof” what does that look like?

In my life, there was a time I was going to church but lived contrary to what my faith is about. I still believed in the Sabbath and the list goes on. However, I had no desire to read my Bible, if I got any desire it was short lived, reached a time where my prayers were only before sleeping, before a meal and just to say thank you to GOD for waking me up that day. I had no relationship with GOD. As a result, I had theological understanding to a degree but did not have a life changed experience that continues to honor GOD<- that was far from me. What did I reap? The list is endless, I came face to face with evil with no defense. The devil toiled with me, and just gave me a beating of my life- I call all the experiences away from GOD as such because it was. I lost control. I even lost control of things that were precious to me. I even struggled to be vegan- something I so appreciate. Today, I say I owe how I look to GOD, because the discipline to stay in shape and to want to, only comes from GOD in my life. On my end without GOD I want to love and take care of myself but lack the power thereof. That being one of many areas I lack the power thereof if i’m not abiding in CHRIST.

You see, for me, this is part of why GOD is real to me. Though the whole reality is intense to comprehend. As human beings unbeknownst to ourselves we may be inclined to a GOD who hopefully He’s there, not one that I know is there. Once living faith gets involved, I tell you, things change! Atleast I can only speak for myself. “Taste and see, that the LORD is good” ~ Psalm 34:8

You see, we are so privileged, and the devil knows it. Let not GOD be left stuck in the pages of HIS WORD. Let us let Him live out His life within us. That takes cooperation because GOD is orderly and HE waits for our consent. Our consent means yielding ourselves to HIM.

This is the great controversy. Why would we not want that? It is sin that cries out, and doesn’t want to be destroyed in us. Let CHRIST in and life changes.

Take GOD at HIS Word, and begin the experience today. Do you see failure in your life, are you discouraged? At least you see failure, than if you were blind and couldn’t see and thought you were just okay, while you’re not. Therefore, take courage. Let CHRIST in today. When you do, the battle will rage, and will never stop. So, be prepared. The devil will attack, but better be on a battle than be trampled upon and left in bondage by the world deceiver and abuser.

Why turn down an opportunity to have peace with GOD? It’s not until you experience this that you would know what you were missing out on before.

LORD please have mercy on us. We need you more than we could ever know.

GOD is so real- I would like to share these audio presentations that I know will greatly bless you and explain to you- who you are The Divine-Human Family –

and how to walk by faith Lessons on Faith – 🙏

Please share your thoughts if you have any!


“I’m bound for the Promised Land, who will come and go with me?”🎶

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