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Three Oceans, Two Feet, One God

“But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;” ~ 1 Cor 1:27;

“You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.” ~ John 5:39

Where do we start? How amazing God is?How we do not know the future?Perhaps, how He is faithful in all things, and nothing is little. In short- I keep loving God’s plans. They’re higher than any of our thoughts and I’m so glad because my grandest imagination (Isa 55:9) would never comprehend or reach His plans and desires for my life. What a Mighty God we serve.

I once heard a beautiful statement that stands true to its thought- Nature our lesson book! As with many things in our daily life, nature can help us draw closer to God as we seek to know His character, and life lessons which you will see me referring to as object lessons.

Growing up, my two feet walked the streets of Dar-es-Salaam (Arabic for Haven of Peace) A land full of diverse cultures, and bordering ocean number one in my life experience- The warm blue Indian Ocean, which is calm in its nature for the most part, with coral reefs to brighten it still, it’s a beautiful sight to see. What does it reveal? In my mind today, I recognize the calm that God can give us. The ability for Him to hold back the tide of sin, and the enemy’s assault in my life.

God was working on my heart at this point in my life even though I did not know Him or know what it is like to be a Christian even though I professed to be one. I did not think one needs to be born of the Spirit as a condition of being a Christian. In Dar there was/is a wave of “born again” churches so it sounds like a type of religion, instead of a requirement of faith as spoken by Jesus in John 3:3-16. I should mention that I was born Catholic. There is a mix of Islam, Christianity and everything in between in Dar, Tanzania. The diverse atmosphere is felt even in the food, which is mostly simple and varies by household’s desires. Ugali and beans is a staple there, with coconut as a common ingredient in many dishes. Making use of those coconut trees thriving from the tropical climate, and the beautiful ocean creating a good atmosphere for those pretty trees (in my opinion at least).

Must I add that for the most part, locals cover up even at the beach and you can easily find private beaches to be alone. We live in a time where unfortunately beautiful principles like modesty are being neglected. God calls us to walk like Prince and Princesses- what a delight to be a child of a King! Actually, if you have a moment, here’s a link that lifts up the beauty of modesty (Change of Raiment Series)- We are loved!

As the saying goes, "time flies!" Before we know it, years had gone by, and it was time to bid the native land goodbye for some time! I thought for only four years, but….

.…Potential for evacuation (the Ocean can get rough), crowded public beaches, boardwalks, and then varying experiences depending on which state you are visiting the Atlantic side of life. Also in other words, Welcome to Virginia!

My two feet landed across the Ocean to even a new continent, and I must say, I had no clue on how my life was going to change. The Lord was getting ready to evacuate serious strongholds in my life, crowd it with His life and people, and come to walk with me in the tempest of it all. What a life. I cannot explain the wisdom of God. I marvel! Well, the water in VA was coral reef deprived but there is definitely a culture opposite from Tanzania, where people really recognize the Ocean and like to go to the beach over the Summer. Meanwhile, it’s year round Summer in Dar-es-Salaam and it’s not the norm to go and relax by the beach…hhmm what do you think? Any object lessons? Also, we are all different and there is truly beauty in diversity.

It is no secret that my life changed during my Atlantic days. I found a friend who had been so long with me, but I did not know Him (John 14:9) On this part of the journey where people like to go and rest by the Atlantic, I learned of the Sabbath rest. All of my life I had missed what the Bible had to say about this. As you’re reading this you may have missed it all your life too. But you know what? Here’s a very informative link about the Sabbath, the History of it and so much more!

At a place with boardwalks  (we don’t have structured boardwalks in Dar) filled with restaurants along the way especially seafood being a thing; I learned a message promoting plant based whole foods! Have you ever watched a documentary called forks over knives? Oh it’s amazing! I learned that shellfish is not clean meat (did you know?) So is pork you know (I learned this in Tanzania through my friend who is muslim, and today I know the Bible teaches the same) ~ Leviticus 11. Even learned about natural remedies, which is something that African culture would appreciate too, depending on where you are, especially in the village.

So many things happened during my time there. Perhaps another post about the full experience. My Testimony post covers that timeframe too. God is faithful, my friend. In the Atlantic, I got to see one of my favorite animals- dolphins. I like them because they would come to your rescue if you were in deep sea trouble. They appear friendly too. Do you know that verse, “he who makes himself friendly, makes many friends” - Proverbs 18:24 May we do so as led by the Lord.

When I came to the U.S, I did not consider mountains as pretty except Mt. Kilimanjaro, but the Ocean is what I would then call my happy place. The tranquility versus the majesty that over time I would come to appreciate and find myself in a new place surrounded by huge mountains towering into the clouds- the Pacific!

Where do I begin?, the usual, I did not see it coming! The Pacific Ocean oh it’s c-c-cooold, and here in Oregon you can go and watch sharks migration or water gushing on majestic rocks, and just stare at beauty. Rock of Ages cleft for me 🎶 Like the migration, it appears nature has its sequence, the times and seasons, and acts accordingly even when climate is changing and trying to throw things off. What an object lesson though. May we also choose to be in tune with the Lord, that we may know what to do, when and where. He is ready to lead us every moment~ 2 Cor 10:5. He also welcomes us to have His mind in us ~ Philippians 2:5. What an awesome God.

Portland, OR so to say has a health and environmental conscious culture, however is very secular. There is a high level of spiritualism and the list goes on. This is the Great Controversy, and the whole human race is in it. May God get us through.

I’m still exploring this new place, but I must say it is beautiful. They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so you might have a different opinion when and if you’ve visited. The many flower fields, the greenery, the rocks and ocean uniting, quite the picturesque. So many object lessons to learn. The greenery is so calming. The flowers so tender, also teaching me of the unfolding love of God, blooming in tender loving care, scent they bring that can remind us of the sweet fragrance as a result of having Jesus in the heart.

By the way, the cold ocean makes people cover up, so hhmm blessing in disguise…I have heard people here refer to the Ocean side as the coast. A term I didn’t hear being used in Virginia but have heard it being used by some African friends. Oregon reminds me of Tanzania in many ways, but it also reminds me that God loves to give us the desires of our hearts, and reminds me to trust in His providence for all my desires, and leave Him to perform according to His will.

A friend inspired the thought, and so I wrote a snippet of my three oceans experience, and truly the story in it is unfolding Jesus carrying my two feet all along! Have I been so long with you, you do not know me? John 14:9

Have you ever heard a tug in your mind to consider something better, or been bothered by certain things in your life? There’s One that can set us free. Our One True God. He’s standing at the door of your heart. Please my friend, consider letting Him in. Taste and see that the Lord is good. It doesn’t hurt to try, and how would you ever know unless you opened the door?

So many links on this post. I hope you are able to watch the content. I know you will be so blessed.

One last link for now, a book that tells of the past, delves into current events that are unfolding, and then the future that we all await. A book like no other, titled The Great Controversy by E.G White.


God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. Love so deep to grasp.

Photo Credit: Anonymous (Home- Oceana)

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