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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

That We Might See

Who is blind but my servant?- Isaiah 42:19

The day I wrote this, I was praying for something I needed discernment on. I saw how blind I am, left to myself. Which is why I need ONE who sees to help me. I saw why it is CRUCIAL to bring every thought under subjection to the obedience of CHRIST ~ 2 Cor 10:5. Left to us we can only guess from our flesh perspective, however we can’t see someone else’s heart/motive, or our own but GOD can, and HE can reveal that to us (if we’re asking and want to understand)

It dawned on me that, would we depend on GOD if we could see? Well, now we don’t see but do we? how much more if we could see. Imagine we currently have to be convinced that left to ourselves we don’t see. We tend to operate from the natural, as if that is all that there is. Not recognizing there was a great controversy before we even came to existence, that sin came to exist, and now came to humanity through our first parents. When this is told, it can come across as a tale, not until you enter in, you really come to experience the great controversy. It becomes a reality. Which is why, “taste and see”- Psalm 34:8. Without our eyes being opened we don’t see the great controversy, we actually get to do the biddings of satan unbeknownst to ourselves.

If you ever recognized you did wrong, that is because THE HOLY SPIRIT showed you so, otherwise you would never think you did wrong, because wrong is all we have left to ourselves because of the master we gave allegiance to in the garden who is evil, and as a result his seed is in us- sin

However, here is the practical reality- power of the gospel- now, you can take this as knowledge merely, or yield to CHRIST to experience this- what is said in Romans 6:1- “let not sin reign in your mortal body”  1 John 3:9 says, “HIS seed remains - that you do not sin”

Please cleanse us from all unrighteousness, Lord.

If we don’t sense our need to be cleansed, it is because we’re blind to the reality of what being cleansed looks like, so how can we desire something we don't know about, or know exists?

Which is why it’s true- “there is none righteous, there is none that seek after GOD” - Romans 3:10

So, it is the grace of GOD indeed, that we get to recognize our need.

Which tells us, we need to plead with GOD, who is the ONE who puts the thoughts in us to plead with HIM (because there is none who naturally seek GOD, in fact in the natural man “the things of GOD appear as foolishness unto man”- 1 Cor 2:14) Appear as - it doesn’t matter- we’re bound to take GOD lightly if not for THE HOLY SPIRIT.

On that regard, JESUS calls us to seek, and we shall find HIM - Matthew 7:7-8.A call with a promise.

Seek HIM diligently today. HE who we desperately need.

There are many homes filled with all the luxuries, but surrounded with pain and sorrow like a missing husband, a violent wife, a rebellious child and the list can go on.

Also, there are houses filled with riches, but even if you take their riches away it would not matter because of heart being filled with CHRIST, who alone can truly satisfy the heart.

Left to self, we’ll just try out the next big thing in our minds, thinking that will complete the puzzle, and then you get it, and still feel empty (some don’t recognize it as emptiness)rather just think they’re always on a wave for something greater. Chasing the next best thing, and that thing doesn’t seem to arrive. As a result may get depressed, get emotionally distressed, get disappointed with their marriage, and the list goes on. In fact only GOD can teach us how to love right and truly. He changes us to experience love that seeketh not its own ~ 1 Cor 13. Love a service for others without expecting they reciprocate that same love to you, and a certain way. Love that is not selfish, not i’ll love you so I can benefit from you (for instance because your body type is what I want- what if they get disfigured? Because with you I’ll prosper- what if they loose the riches? Because you’re loyal you won’t cheat- how do you know tomorrow?

“Woe upon the man, who trusts in a man, and makes flesh his stronghold” ~ Jeremiah 17:5

None of us know what tomorrow holds, and no human being can assure that they will not falter especially without abiding in CHRIST, that’s already a failure. Only CHRIST can keep us from falling if we abide in HIM, and not abide once in a while (form of godliness) rather abide in HIM moment by moment, and completely not trusting the flesh because of understanding that the flesh has sin in it, so it is blind, hence can only trust in GOD alone who sees and can lead me through all seen and unseen things.

“A thousand snare befall my feet, yet will I trust thee” This is true and real as I experience in my life. The battle rages inside of me and outside of me- the snares of satan. As individuals, "we are either actuated from above or from beneath." The problem arises where we are so identified with sin. We need GOD to be able to hate the things of sin (the lusts of the flesh) because otherwise they’re all what appears to be normal and good, until we taste and our eyes open- we get to see and behold the beauty of Holiness.

As CHRIST said, “unless one is born of the SPIRIT, cannot see the Kingdom of GOD” ~ John 3:3 this is very true, all we’ll see instead is the kingdom of satan which we have been used to, and enslaved to (if you sense a need to overcome and can’t find a way to, that’s being held captive- cry out to GOD- and He will come and rescue you. Think of being kidnapped. “To whom we render our members to obey, to whom we are a servant thereof” ~ Romans 6:16. When Jesus sets us free, we need to hold on to Him, lest our state becomes worse than before He did ~ John 8:36 & Matthew 12:45

We are all one flesh, so without CHRIST there is a ditch for each one of us to fall into. Only CHRIST can make a difference, only CHRIST has made, and continues to make the difference in my life🙏

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

My friend, God is so good!❤️

🎵It's worth the effort, oh Hallelujah!🎵

Photo Credits: Linda Waagen

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