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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

The Issue…

The issue is not what kind of sin, the issue is sin.

Yielding to disobedience to GOD leads to making you a slave of disobedience to GOD. Weak at listening to HIS voice. HIS voice urges a life opposite to the natural man tendencies (a line of disobedience) to live a life that through CHRIST demonstration we know it’s possible and so CHRIST is here today to help us live that life if we desire through THE HOLY SPIRIT but it takes abiding in CHRIST every moment to live as HE lives every moment. To let go at any moment is to let not CHRIST but sin live out at that moment. Life is real, the great controversy is real. I know for a certain because what I write is true and i’ve seen the effects of it.

Left to myself I let sin reign, without knowing truth I don’t even let it reign I just become “it”, and that’s all I get to live out, all I get to know. Until I see the light, perhaps in someone else, through the Bible, through hearing the truth, and THE HOLY SPIRIT speaks to my heart, and cause me to desire (that’s CHRIST drawing me through that person if I see light through someone) because there is no goodness in man, rather CHRIST in them. This shows we were created in HIS image that’s why good is appealing but then comes the battle Paul wrote, that which I want to do I can’t find in me, and then the solution but I thank GOD in CHRSIT (why?) because we have to be born again.

We all have had different experiences in life, in hearing the truth, one could run away from it, run to it shakingly (or like Peter said, be a far from me LORD), or want to persecute it, or like a child just go to it because it is appealing.

Today, if we harden not our hearts- we can accept Jesus, and open the door of our mind that He can come in. He's here. May we not miss out such an opportunity in life.

A wonderful GOD, merciful indeed.

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