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Process of Choosing...Part 1

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

“Beauty is fading, but the woman who fears the LORD, forever will be praised” Prov 31:30

Looking beautiful is a blessing. However, for some that’s the only focus, because that’s all they have to offer, and above all have little to none existent relationship with GOD.

There are books that teach behavior modification and some therapists may even use such books, but none have the power to give someone a consistent changed behavior.

This is because only the Bible is the voice of GOD, only does the Bible come with an invisible yet very present accountability. Not only that, only GOD can give a person the power to resist their ownselves (I personally marvel) because it’s real. I have experienced it. It’s not just theory. “Taste and see that the LORD is good” - Ps 34:8

Now, anyone can read the Bible, but that doesn’t mean will experience the same. The one has to believe and have the Bible become the living word, and that’s left to each person’s faith.🙏 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”- Heb 11:6

On that note, choosing a woman because of the beauty you see, remember when she wakes up next to you on year 3 of marriage perhaps she won’t look that way, so hopefully your love for her is beyond passion and what you can get from her that would be termed “temporal”. The same for considering the man.

If the woman isn’t close to GOD, remember we all have the capability to sin (we have sin in us) so, if you choose a person who’s not even in the battle against self, perhaps they don’t even know, most of what they might know could be the next album, the next style, social

media not for the right benefits, Make up tutorials (not bashing anyone, this is what is becoming of dear women) it’s sad. Likewise with men in their respective worldly likes and dislikes (there are many toys the devil has for both genders). If that’s what she knows, when perils come, when tempted to cheat, what do you think would happen? When you do something wrong? All in all, to forgive is a power from on high, and many marriages break because the person has had enough. The power to forgive is not human derived. Humans have a limit to forgive, GOD continues to forgive until the end of your or my life or when the antitypical day of atonement ends and HE pronounces “let he who is just be just still”- Rev 22:11

Why do I say this? It is first and foremost important to have your own relationship with GOD before looking for a woman/man. Otherwise, “can the blind lead the blind?” - Luke 6:39

You have to know what you need (GOD alone can show us what we need) left to ourselves we’ll choose very wrongly just to gratify the flesh for the most part, and whatever deception the devil might bring. It says, “the devil is in the business of matchmaking” and look around and you’ll see that statement is true. People are miserable in their marriages- that’s not GOD’s plan and desire. So many broken homes, so little patience. All people maybe looking for in their spouses without uttering the words out loud would resemble what is only available from GOD- The fruit of the SPIRIT

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. ~Gal 5:22-23

However, religion is then looked at like cliche and that thing that limits your freedom. Trust me, I speak from words I used myself. Indeed living a Christian life takes real life experience. It really takes John 3. One has to be born of the SPIRIT. Otherwise, the things of GOD may come across as exacting, intense, not enjoyable, because the heart is being called to being constrained from its usual sinful pleasures “which are termed freedom” but as you read on, you see they’re called “bondage” by GOD. This is the Great Controversy.

So, to get the real freedom and see the bondage as is, it takes the HOLY SPIRIT to convert the soul, to ask GOD for help, and plead guilty and blind and ask for true sight and change of heart. Then these things will appear, and change has come.

Don’t stop there, “behold the LAMB of GOD who takes away the sin of this world”

“By beholding, we become changed”

“Sin, cannot live in the presence of GOD”

All these facets are important so to realize now follow on to know the LORD. It is a serious moment by moment walk. With trials and tribulations. With joys unheard. With peace that surpasses understanding. Just know, it’s an experience like none other. One that you desperately need. One that will make the difference in your life.

You know, people keep searching for something and they don’t find it, they look and do the next big thing and still feel empty. They go to church and read the Bible here and there, but still. Why?

It takes an abiding relationship moment by moment to be whole every moment.

Imagine, you are really ill, and thus you need oxygen supply to be alive, and then you get some and now feel so good as if you could live without the oxygen tank, so you ask to get rid of it, and they do. Hours later you recognize no I need it. Now, at least that took hours to realize.

That’s the thing, somewhere along the line, someone allows to be convinced they need JESUS every now and then and not every moment, and then they wonder why they’re miserable for the most part, and are okay every now and then? (That’s the now and then one thought he/she needs HIM)

I attest to the fact that I need JESUS every moment, and if I don’t- things don’t work, don’t make sense, and i’d be in trouble. For me, John 15:5 is real because it has manifested in my life and proven to be true. When I had it and when I didn’t.

One cannot run a home without a moment by moment walk with GOD. One could try, but if not abiding will lead to inconsistency, hurt the other person/people in the household, and this will just ruin things especially if you have little children and they observe double standards. Or even grown up housemates and they observe double standards. There’s room for grace, and hopefully we really take the grace seriously and not use it as a lip service word that we know of, instead of what influences our lives and we live by.

If you would like to read a wonderful book that shares gems about running a home, then look no further:

Here’s a link:

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