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Life is in the Wait….

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;

The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers ~ Luke 12:45-46

The question is, what are you waiting for?

Also, are you content while you wait?

To my fellow ladies (well, gentlemen you’re welcome to read too😊)

As you would agree, everyday something happens (good or bad)~ it’s life. There are challenges which turn out to be a blessing in disguise. We find ourselves in situations that need a response and life remains to be in the wait. Isn’t it a blessing that we get to be patient if we’re abiding in Christ, and even more so be content. I don’t know what words to really use to express how thankful I am that with GOD I can be content no matter situation i’m in. Now, that doesn’t mean I just naturally stay content- it’s a battle, and I’m only able to stay content as I maintain my communion with GOD. When I feel the promptings to be impatient I go to GOD. This science works for me🙏

When I loose sight of that, I become just the opposite- impatient, discontent. This to me is proof of GOD’s power because it works, and I get to experience that which I acknowledge is beyond my doing, it’s a power from on high.

People can lack contentment over many different things, one of them being when will I meet my future….. yes (that husband/wife question)

If you find yourself in this category, here’s some questions to ask self…

  • Why do I seek companionship?

  • What if GOD wants me to be single for the rest of my life, is that okay with me?

  • What am I looking for?

Now, I found myself saying one day, men are blessed, because if they’re interested, then they can do something about it, but as for women, you just die with the interest. Interesting thought. I think it’s a privilege to wait dear sisters, and we have no idea what men go through trying to figure out if they can ask you to consider him for a relationship. So, it’s okay.

In that case, it appears that life is in the wait. However, we can take that time to learn about ourselves, to immerse ourselves in GOD (lifelong journey), and there’s a statement that says, “only those who are determined to know the worst about themselves will find help” not be condemned but find help, that we may be rooted in CHRIST, and as that happens GOD pulls out the dross from us. The process of sanctification. Want to grow in faith? Here’s a wonderful book that would be a blessing to you. I appreciate it- audio version: Lessons on Faith ~

Is GOD enough?

With or without a companion, is GOD enough for you? (this was asked recently and what a wonderful question) Please ask GOD to reveal this to you. It’s so important, lest we end up looking for a companion to make him an idol😞

There is a book worth reading, that touches on why we would even want to get married? If you really want to get married and have a family, then I really recommend this book:

Please share your thoughts if you read it. Many people say we don’t have a manual in this life. I venture to disagree because I have found a manual to life- The Bible. Believe me, taste and see, and your whole life perspective will change.

CHRIST mentions as we wait for His return, there are some who would give up. Please don’t be that person. In that light, don’t also lower GOD’s standard of who a partner should be, just because it’s taking long. Desperation isn’t a long drive. Endure to the end- it’s worth it- don’t you see how GOD is impacting your life even now? If you’ve never surrendered, then please take it from me. It’s worth every battle!

There are times while in the wait, you find someone interesting and then in this case you’re a lady, and don’t know what to do about it. Here’s a small advice-

Having interest but want to stay emotionally pure when you interact with that person?

While having interest take it as it is, only knowing i’m open to this brother if he were to ask me to court him, and that’s all. Do not cross that line.

Talk with him and interact as you would with anyone else. Don’t give him special attention (you’re responsible for being your brother’s keeper ~ Gen 4:9) but remain courteous and all kinds of things as you would with anyone else (entertaining Angels unawares concept - you may be entertaining your future husband unawares) have no respecter persons, but don’t let your emotions come in and ruin not only a possible pure friendship for eternity, but also end up getting hurt on your own because you imagined things that are not there because of an existing interest. That brother could just be a kind person, and you think he likes you. Well, if he does, he ought to come and tell you right?!

“The heart is deceitful, above all things desperately wicked, who can know it?” ~ Jeremiah 17:9

Key to success: abide in CHRIST, and share that issue if it’s there with Him, and He will give you self control. Moment by moment. Don’t play with the matter either. “Let no man trifle with sin, and think in a moment’s notice they can turn away from it, that is not the case”

Invite CHRIST in at the door, and let Him shut the door of your heart from any unwelcome visitors. Left to self we’ll open those crazy doors and unleash hell experience in our lives.

In this day and age, we want to be very sure that nothing is done in vain. We are to humbly come before GOD, and ask Him (He withholds nothing good from us) that LORD please grant me this, if it serves your purpose. You and I are like the Prophet Samuel, “surely this is the one” but we do not know. “Who is blind, but my servant?”

We need to plead with GOD.

The world needs an Adventist Home in clear display, and the devil knows this, and would want to tarnish that.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” ~ Rev 12:17

While we wait, may we be resting in CHRIST, at peace (Isa 26:3), and doing His will. Studying His Word, letting Him live out His life within us. That we may grow in faith.

When you find that special someone, please remember that marriage is not all roses, be transparent, and value communication. It goes a long way. Do not marry a stranger either. Marry someone who will come to you, sup with you, and wants to know you deeply and please do the same. ~ Rev 3:20, John 14:23

Last question- would you marry a person of your own current character? Why or why not?

If you’re considering children or not- you would be surrounded with kids and it can be an opportunity to be a blessing to them. Here’s another wonderful book on this regard:

Christ became our kinsman. Closer than father, mother, brother, friend, or lover is the Lord our Saviour. We cannot understand this love, but we can know it to be true in our own experience. . HLv 218.2

You know while we wait for different things in life, there’s a huge event that is in the wait. As the opening verse mentioned - Jesus is soon to come back. Why is there a wait? Does the Bible disclose all of these details? Yes, how amazing He doesn’t leave us in the dark. The Bible clearly tells us.

In the meantime, you and I would both agree that Matthew 24 unfolds in our very own eyes. The world is on a verge of a stupendous crisis. Soon, Sunday laws will be passed in our lands, our liberty of conscious thus being threatened. You know what‘s amazing? GOD through the Bible has declared this years and years ago.

I would love to share this book with you that will break this down. This book will take you from history of the church all the way to the controversy ending

If you would like to know more, or consider Bible studies ( )

please feel free to reach out (the link is a set of online Bible Study Guides). It is definitely so late in life, and we have no time to loose, no time to waste ~ Ephesians 5:16 May we not miss out on eternal realities for temporal life.🙏 Romans 13:11-14

As we choose to go through this narrow way, or if you’ve never considered having a relationship with GOD, would love to encourage you to watch this series of presentations that have proven meaningful to me. So much is going on in this world, this great controversy. These presentations unveil the curtain, and I definitely know you will be blessed

There’s a beautiful hymn #652, that goes along with this… “There is beauty all around, when there’s love at home…”🎶


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