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Hungry or Full?

Updated: Feb 13

Have you ever woken up and you know intellectually that you should be hungry for the Word but you feel full? What do you do?

Lets think on this. As I consider what took place as the the disciples were on the road to Emmaus, realizing that JESUS showed up to the disciples but they had to invite HIM in. This imagery strikes a chord.

I want the hunger that invites Him in. However, on this account I saw the sinful nature overflowing my cup with nothingness (bloated) while I had not eaten. Sin makes you feel full/satisfied, while on the contrary that would be far from the truth, and I choose to disregard that feeling and eat anyways. Crave GOD’s Word and basking in walking with HIM every moment, because sin refuses that reality. I see this taking place in my own being.

Why do I know that it’s vital to understand this?

Because I once felt this way, and convinced myself that I was full (by my actions) not that I said it out loud. Before I knew it, I was saying the wrong things, affected in a way by people, and came to see it was because I walked alone. I had let go of my constant companion. It takes stopping to commune with GOD, feeling my dependence on Him, and stopping to always mark HIS presence for the flesh to take over, feel relaxed and then end up in a ditch.

A friend of mine told me her experience in the military. She had to throw a grenade over a 10ft wall. If she hit the wall, the grenade would come back to her, there was someone appointed to cover her, and one to take care of the grenade. What a task?

This drew my mind to see what she was being trained to be. The precision, attention to detail, and the fact that there is no taking things lightly in the military because you could endanger your life and those of others.

This is the same in the Kingdom of Heaven. Except our warfare is not carnal. It is not flesh and blood. We fight by faith (Eph 6:12) We see the effects of fighting or not fighting by sight, which thus builds our faith. I can speak of my life without GOD and with HIM. I can attest that HE gives victory to overcome. It is also true that severe dependence upon HIM is needed to have that continuous victory, because otherwise we have a sinful nature in all our existence here on Earth before Jesus returns which will always fight against GOD’s voice even unbeknownst to us. Which is why we end up doing things either good or evil. “We are either actuated from above or beneath.”

We can’t switch off the flesh, turn on the Spirit, switch that off and turn on the flesh again. (Matt 6:22, James 1:8) GOD addressed this- Oh foolish Galatians how can you having began in the Spirit now go to the flesh. (Gal 3:3) Impossible to have victory while walking in the flesh, because the flesh (sin in the flesh) can not discern spiritual things because it is not subject to GOD and never can it be (1 Cor 2:14)

This is why, in serving GOD, there is a continuous battle. A battle to not let sin rise again. “He who is set free is free indeed” (John 8:36) “Do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey it and fulfill its lusts”(Rom 6:1)

How do you not let it, and gladly not let it. One has to be convinced of sin and of righteousness. To hate one and love the other. Pledge allegiance to one Master. One has to be born again. Be born of the Spirit, or else the things of GOD will be burdensome. However, this spiritual birth has to continue everyday. Which is why as Paul said “I die daily” (1 Cor 15:31)

HIS mercies are new everyday. ~ Lam 3:22. The battle rages. Yesterday is gone, today is a new day. It is this day with GOD.

There is a wonderful statement that says, “only those who are determined to know the worst about themselves, will find help”

Not that they will be condemned, rather will find help. (Rom 8:1) I want that for me, how about you?

Remember: “no chastening for a moment seems joyous, but if we endure, it bears a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” ~ Heb 12:11

“That gold tried in the fire” ~ Rev 3:18

Are you full today? Are you hungry? Do you see the need to walk entirely close to GOD because you truly know that you don’t know the future and know left to self i’m a sinner in need of a Savior?

Then there is a solution from GOD. Allow HIM to fight your battles today, and everyday. Actually, according to what HE says, HE wants to fight all our battles, every moment, and this verse tells me so:

2 Cor 10:5

“Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”

Bring every thought to HIM. “The battle begins in the realm of the thoughts,” and HE is ready to take on each and every of our thoughts, which means HE is ready to be involved in each moment of our lives; Imagine, every thought. Take it to heart. Believe HIM, and start giving HIM every thought. Not only that, enjoy the joy and privilege of hearing each and every response HE gives you and I as He calls you/me by name! (Isaiah 43:1)

Blessed are those who hunger, and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” - Matthew 5:6

It is essential for old and young, not only to read God's word, but to study it with wholehearted earnestness, praying and searching for truth as for hidden treasure. Those who do this will be rewarded, for Christ will quicken the understanding.

Our salvation depends on a knowledge of the truth contained in the Scriptures. It is God's will that we should possess this. Search, O search the precious Bible with hungry hearts. Explore God's word as the miner explores the earth to find veins of gold. Never give up the search until you have ascertained your relation to God and His will in regard to you. Christ declared, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:13, 14. . COL 111.2-COL 111.3

A Hymn I enjoy that maybe you might enjoy, that actually does share my testimony in summary is Hymn #493 titled ~ Fill My Cup LORD

There is hope. It is worth the effort friend! All of the efforts.

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