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HE Awaits…

Updated: Jul 24

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." ~ Revelation 3:20

Sometimes life can throw you what they call curve balls.  Some could almost seem to rock your boat. The question to ask would be, who is your rock because that would change everything.

Life before a committed relationship with Christ meant, “I got this”. Well, up to a certain point. We all process things differently, and I have found One who makes the difference in my life. His name is Jesus.

I have found that Jesus gives me self-control. It is amazing. Above all He gives me “healing”. This is so real and important. Every time one bruises or cuts him/herself, healing needs to take place. Otherwise, a rotten wound? No one wants that, no matter how small.

I find myself needing to heal just because of having lived on this planet. It is a sinful world, and as a result so much hurt takes place here. We can even hurt each other unintentionally. Life is real. Once we taste and see through a glass darkly, what the ideal is meant to be, we realize this is nothing compared to Heaven.

Jesus makes the difference. Truly, “taste and see”

Growing up knowing of the existence of Jesus but not having a relationship with Him was such robbery. Can you relate?

For one, there was a time I didn’t know of such a reality as to having a relationship with Jesus. In a different time, the reason was, I wanted to live for this world. You know those times you think the world is fine. The key is to ask Jesus to change the heart so we can see the true colors of this world, the darkness of sin, and love what is His, which is all good and marvelous. Taste and see indeed, He awaits for thee.

We need a new heart.

In order to appreciate the things of God, we desperately need God to convert our hearts/minds. We need a miracle that Jesus is eager to perform in each of our lives. Without this we can never love the things of God nor ever desire Heaven in the true sense or surrender all. I can attest that The Holy Spirit will do this once we invite Him to, and He has and continues to do miraculous things in my life that I marvel at.

The natural man receives not the things of God. So, if you’re struggling with not wanting God’s ideal, it is because of the natural man issue. Only through God’s power can we break away from that and be set free. I say set free because once you experience the things of God you realize that is all you would want, and oh the peace that comes with it! Irreplaceable.

As Jesus said in John 3 unless we are born again, we cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven.

Have you ever been upset with religion? Or maybe even now? Why is that? At the same time you may also be tired of this world, but you don’t find yourself wanting to commit to God. I understand. The only solution my friend is God Alone. What we need to do is to start by consenting to Him. Ask Him to take your heart for you cannot give it or keep it, and ask Him to change you. God has promised to give us a new heart because without Him we can do Nothing ~ John 15:5. He is eagerly waiting for you to make that decision. He really is.

The devil has done such a work to misrepresent Christ so that people can keep on suffering, and not have Jesus who is our only hope and help. People can offer help but those only last so long, and lack consistency and a never failing presence. I mean look at what 2 Cor 10:5 tells us. Jesus wants to be ever present in our lives. Not even the person who loves me the most on Earth can do that. Not even my future husband (By God's grace he'll do great). We all can fail each other, but I testify Jesus has not failed me once.

The enemy takes advantage of the natural man’s sinful nature to make his claims appealing because the natural man automatically agrees with satan’s plans. It is very sad. However, we can end that today. We can surrender today, and begin a walk of faith. Jesus Awaits. It is not easy, but it is doable. It is worth it. The key is continuing to consent to Him and He works changes and gives us a life full of purpose. We all want a purpose in life. A life of service. At the end of the road, true Christianity makes all the sense. Jesus supplies it all, and He's waiting to do just that for you and I everyday and every moment of our lives.

Higher than the highest human thoughts is God’s ideal for His children (True Education, pg 12, par 5)

There is a Hymn that shares the mystery of how God can change us. It is #511 - I know Whom I have Believed.

If you desire Further Studies, here are some resources:

Steps to Christ by E.G White

Lessons on Faith by AT Jones & EJ Waggoner

The Divine Human Family by W.W Prescott

Desire of Ages by E.G White

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