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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney


Updated: Oct 2, 2021

As I was praying this one Sabbath morning , I saw something particular. In the midst of praying for a certain individual I saw how the person could literally let go of their current lifestyle and surrender to GOD. I saw however, how the person is so attached and identified with the sinful nature.

You know everyday our bodies defy gravity, hence we stand, walk, and are not floating in the sky. It is the gift of GOD. HE created this Earth and made it a place for us for our habitation and made a way for our existence here.

I saw this imagery as I was thinking of the person while in prayer (i’m referring to a particular individual in this matter but “we’re all one flesh”) I saw how the person is so identified with the sinful nature, thus, that’s all the person knows how to live like. Then I saw when CHRIST says, “I have separated you from your sinful nature” and says “neither call it’s sentiments as my/your sentiments”. The issue then becomes, how do you do that, right?, because the mind is attached to the sinful nature, but now it is given power thereof (2 Tim 3:5; 1 Cor 13:1) to defy the gravity pull of sin, and instead take a stand. Be able to “take up thy bed and walk”

Humanity is bound to sin until one is set free. Now, CHRIST sets us free (not in part, but the whole) CHRIST in the mind is HE who can separate us from our sinful nature, because we naturally would be gravitated towards it. That nature is not subject to GOD. It is critical to understand this aspect. This understanding allows one to see/understand/accept the condition, and launch into a battle against sin in the flesh (self).

We have to see JESUS, see the Kingdom (John3) thus we need to be born again. Born of the SPIRIT to see the Kingdom, to discern spiritual things (1 Cor 2:14 ) and be convinced of sin and of righteousness, and thus choose to wage war against sin in the flesh. When entered into the experience with GOD, the world becomes a dunghill. You see things in a very different perspective, the way we should, because otherwise sin blinds our eyes, and we see a wrong image of who I am, who GOD is, and wrong purpose of living. When men see GOD in their own flesh, they would be inclined to run from HIM or kill HIM because humanity sees the failure in themselves when the character of CHRIST prevails and to self protect, pride, jealousy takes heed and wants to kill that which is good especially if it condemns sin in the flesh. Thus if one is not born of the Spirit and experiences the condemnation, they therefore feel condemned in general because they identify with the lusts of the flesh (that’s all they know as living life) and to consider otherwise without being born again wouldn’t work. Hence, it takes a miracle from GOD, to get us to want to be born again. HE woos us forever. HE loves us deeply. Look, HE died for us. Humanity has been deceived. I attest to it, because I was deceived and the things of the flesh made sense, well some didn’t (and that I call GOD intervened) because left to myself I wouldn’t have understanding (Rom 3:11) GOD is faithful to save to the uttermost.

Only through abiding in CHRIST through the HOLY SPIRIT can we defy the gravity pull of sin. This is a continuous battle. What you need to concentrate on is the abiding in CHRIST and HE shall lighten and direct our paths every moment, and lead us into the way everlasting. We let HIM search our hearts, and HE does. We can’t search for something in a dark place without the light right? Exactly, the human mind is in a dark place, the darkness is sin, and thus we need our Light (CHRIST) to search the place out, and HE promised to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) 🙏

Picture from a Facebook post.

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