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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney

God’s Unfathomable Mercy

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. John 12:24

Taken from the pit. God saw His child in mud.

Walking in this life, with the world inside of me

With endless opportunities of how to sin

My mind cries out, as I realize all this wickedness is in me

In life, I have agreed to the flesh and fulfilled its lusts. It’s just that there are times I didn’t even know there’s something like living without pleasing the flesh and still be happy

Oh I didn’t know this hidden reality. It’s one thing to know about the matter, and another to truly experience it

The Bible is telling the truth. I can attest with my own life. Left to myself I would choose certain things, and at one point want to stop but find self in bondage

Oh there is a Heaven, and sin entered there. A dreadful matter. I’ll share

I lived a life to please self. I opened doors of sin, the doors of the world that I said are in us. At that point there are times I heard a still small voice to try help me, but I didn’t know who that was. I knew good angel, bad angel. I knew the existence of Jesus. I didn’t know how seriously I was to take hold of that still small voice to guide me intensely throughout my life and never let Him go for a moment.

My God is gracious, He reminds me when I fall at His feet with failure, to keep on. The door of mercy is still open, but to not trifle with sin or entertain it. We human beings don’t understand the power of sin, and the power of God. We can’t restrain the first on our own. WE CANNOT, we can’t produce the power of God on our own, WE CANNOT

We need GOD to do both in us. Then what needs to happen to us? We need to surrender. How? With all that I know to be true, I go to God as my friend. I repent of my sin(isn’t it amazing He gets us to repent)

And then He bids me -“you are set free” ~ John 8:36. Fill the house with life (John 14:6) or else my situation will become more dreadful the second time than the first (Matthew 12:43-45) This is because demons will never cease to harass us, sin will never cease to want it’s way. Oh that day, when sin is no more. (1 Corinthians 15:53-55) Oh that day.

But for now we live in a battle, against sin in us which is the seed of the enemy, and choose to abide in Christ and walk in freedom of no bondage to wanting to sin, instead to hating sin, and choosing Him. It’s a miracle I can’t explain, how the very things I once liked I end not wanting them, hating them, and the very things I neglected, didn’t have feelings towards or desires, is what I want. We all need the new birth miracle. To be born again. Then, every day we are to choose to die to self and be born of the Spirit, which means to surrender all. Like Paul said, “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31)

You know God is love (1 John 4:8). To love despite circumstances needs to be based on principle not feelings. Why principle? To get consistency. Only God can give us consistency when He lives in us because He alone is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He changes not. (Hebrews 13:8-16) With walking with God there are trials. There are hard/sad days that may come, and if we placed our decision to follow Him through those feelings then we would have an up and down tossed relationship that will not be consistent. It takes a determined effort to go against our feelings. This is part of why “the just shall live by faith” ~ Hebrews 10:38. It is doable it takes a decided watchfulness and prayer and being ready to do God’s will and not ours. This we know, “without faith, it is impossible to please God” ~ Hebrews 11:6 - without living faith. Why is that? A living faith is based on a living relationship with God. Where He is our constant companion. There was a man his name is Enoch, this man walked with God so closely, that God took him ~ Genesis 5:22-24. Imagine the experience He had. Remember the experience on the road to Emeus, when those men engaged the Risen Savior, their hearts burned within them. Oh the joy of the relationship with God. Oh the sense He brings to our minds. The healing. It is worth it! It is worth our souls. It is unexplainable worth every fiber of our being. May we not miss out on a beautiful relationship with God because of temporal matters. He who is our Creator and Maker alone can fill our hearts!

“Taste and see that the Lord is good!” ~ Psalm 34:8

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