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  • Writer's pictureTheUpwardJourney


Praise be to GOD who has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9

Psalm 23

You know, I marvel at the goodness of GOD, and time and time again, what He puts in my heart and how He changes my reasoning just continues to prove that GOD is real, but beyond that is that He gives me the desire to do His will, so much that I hate and can’t bear life without Him. I marvel because this was not me a few years ago. GOD did this. HE did what I was yearning for, but didn’t know so myself. HE changes my mind (gives me good desires and power to implement those good desires in my life, something I know no one can do in my life except only GOD has been able to accomplish this, and I love what HE is doing, and I marvel and it shows me in real life that He is real, though I cannot see HIM, I see the results of HIS handiwork- GOD is real.

In 2012 GOD opened my eyes to the SDA Message, little did I know how that would impact my life. I wasn’t a person who would read the Bible or take the time to learn of CHRIST. However, I remember someone in my life who was laying in her bed reading her Bible, and I wished I had that desire. You know what? The fact that I yearned shows that the desire was there, the reality is “GOD has put in every heart of man, an intense desire to know HIM” it’s just that us human beings misplace that desire and seek to know other things.

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33

You know for me, and for those who’ve known me for awhile in life all through High-school would know that I was far from being a Bible person, and one to take GOD seriously in His counsels.

I’m thankful for the change. HE continues to change me- Philippians 3:12-16

The change is something I marvel at, because I have not manufactured it. I could never as far as the East is from the West.

Some years after accepting the Third Angel’s Messages

I did not watch and pray and it took a toll on me. I lost my greatest love- my relationship with GOD. Only for CHRIST to then come to my life again to renew it, and now I have a contrast of life with and without HIM

You know what? I cry for my life with HIM, I can not bear life without CHRIST, the tangible effects of HIS graces in my life, surely have me declaring that GOD is real.

If you feel like you do not have a desire to know GOD, then please ask HIM today, and HE will grant you that desire, more than you think. I did that, and now I have tasted and continue to taste life with fulfillment, purpose, life of loving others(rightfully so) life of a mind filled with beautiful thoughts, invigorating my mind, and not wanting to destroy the very things i’d love. See, sin destroys (slave to appetite of all sorts is what sin brings, and GOD brings knowledge, and power thereof to go against all these, and a heart that desires to go against all that was enslavement or appeared pleasant) only GOD can do this, and I attest so in my life, because left to myself a dunghill would appear as treasure and I look back and see how that happened in my life, that when it did, I thought it was, and now it’s not, rather it’s a dunghill- that’s what the devil was trying to appeal to JESUS, to offer HIM a dunghill but packaged as treasure- oh what a lie. May we never accept this deception.

Please give GOD a chance, and you will understand what I testify. I burn with joy to be able to share this. “Taste and see that the LORD is good” Ps 34:8, “I speak for I cannot be silent” - Acts 4:20

You know what is fascinating about how real GOD is, is in the Bible you will find prophecy, and you know what? What GOD has declared in prophecy has happened and continues to unfold in our very own eyes.

This one in particular on Daniel 2 Did you know United States of America is in prophecy? Did you know the future has been foretold by GOD? There’s no need to guess. As CHRIST says, “I am the way, the truth and the life” HE really is, and HE has not left us in the dark. Remember what HE said: Matthew 24:15-16, “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a]spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

Prophecy is meant to be understood, hence even as CHRIST has said, “let the reader understand” We need The HOLY SPIRIT and thus to seek the Word with humility and a teachable spirit to understand🙏

Please share your thoughts when you watch😊 Blessings!

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